Hi, my name is Abigail (waving wildly) and I'm really happy to join you all here on the Parker Publishing blog.
I guess I should use my first post to tell you a bit about myself. I was born in Manhattan, New York to two very loving parents. When I was five, they decided to follow their dreams and head home to the island of Jamaica. That move meant a lot to my parents, and although I didn’t appreciate it then, I am grateful now that they did.
Like my mother, I have always been a compulsive reader, writing only in diaries during those years that were filled with the usual teenage angst. When I look at my journals now, I smile when I read them. I always did have a flair for the dramatic; I guess a career in writing was always in the cards for me.
I attended the University of Maryland where I met the love of my life. Shortly after we tied the knot thirteen years ago, I started to write. You see, I became pregnant and because I suffered complications early in the pregnancy, I was put on immediate bed rest. Not being a daytime soaps girl, I found myself penning stories until my better half got home. Did I think then that one of those hand-written stories would make a great book one day? Yes, but who was I kidding, who would want to publish me?
After our son was born, the stories were pushed to the side and I began to take care of my newborn baby who was born very premature.
A job transfer for my husband brought us to Florida where I met my first real life author. She made me realize that dreams can come true and I will forever be grateful to her for pointing me in the right direction.
I now live in Central Florida with my hero and our amazing eleven year old son.
I spend my days writing romantic suspense and am very proud to say that my first book THE CHOSEN ONE will be out this year with Parker Publishing. I can’t tell you how humbled I am to be among some of the best voices of our time and I hope that I can live up to their stellar example.
Until next month…
Great post, Abi. I love hearing more about other authors' lives.
Like Kelley, I enjoy reading about others. Maybe I'm just nosey. LOL You did a great job.
Congrats on getting published and I know that you'll do awesome! I love getting to know more about you!!
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